Monday, August 17, 2015

What can you do?

I would not tell you what to do, I can only say what I would do, and have done.  I often 'get' that people think that I'm 'unwise' to help other's out, for instance, when I'm driving, and there's a person on the street corner with a sign... "Homeless, please help!".  I have no food in the car, only some money, so I hand that to him. My friends say that "he will only get drug's or booze with my money, so I have only made him worse." But Jesus made it plain to me, I was not ministering unto the homeless person;  I was serving Jesus himself!

There are many opportunities while driving to be polite, let some car in ahead of you, provided you don't hold up more cars behind you.

See someone at the grocery store checkout, ahead of you, struggling to find change, toss in your quarter, with a smile, not only do you help the person, but you have advanced the line for all behind you.

By your actions, you can create Heaven, right here on Earth. (The opposite is true also.) If everyone did as you did, Earth would be Heaven.

You can give money to someone in need, and tell them that they don't need to pay you back, if you like, ask them to do something nice for someone else. You won't miss the money ever.

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